Alex Steele-Mortimer
Alex Steele-Mortimer
Alex Steele-Mortimer
Recent Small Paintings
Recent Large Paintings
"If the Earth’s ocean could speak, and its language was paint, then these brush strokes would tell a million stories. As a child of the sea, like my Mom was, living in landlocked Alberta, I appreciate this art piece every single day. Thank you, Alex."
- Kim Gray
"I love Alex’s paintings and would happily hang every single one of them on my walls. Her magic blend of colours and light allows her to create landscapes and scenes which are breathtaking and unique."
- Charlotte Debeugny
“I am a big fan of Alex’s work. I have several paintings which express different moments and feelings. One painting is of my kids walking in Switzerland. Alex was able to capture my happy place and the beat of my kids triumphantly marching down the mountains. I was so impressed and after five years it still makes me happy to look at this painting everyday.”
-- Monique Douin